Cannon Lane Methodist Church


Welcome to Cannon Lane Methodist Church

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Cannon Lane Methodist Church is part of the Harrow and Hillingdon Methodist Circuit and also a member of the Pinner Association of Churches. We were founded as a Christian centre to serve the local community in and around Cannon Lane in 1956. Please join us on Sundays for worship and for our other activities. To find out more about us click  here.

Services at Cannon Lane

Sunday, 1st December, Advent I
Our service at 11am will be led by Caroline Steggals.  The service will be include a presentation by Julian Saunders from Firm Foundation

Eastcote Zoom services (when there isn't a joint service)
For those not attending worship, please join the  Zoom service from Eastcote Methodist Church starting at 9.30am.  The Zoom meeting is hosted by Jill Wells (Eastcote MC) and you can join from 9.15am.
To join the Zoom meeting please click on this link.  If you you are prompted for a meeting ID and Passcode please use:

Meeting ID: 385 652 2264
Passcode: 123456

You can also phone in to join the service on Zoom by calling one of the following numbers and following the instructions:  0203 051 2874, 0203 481 5237, 0203 481 5240 or 0203 901 7895

Sunday, 8th December, Advent II
Our service at 11am will be led by Rev’d Dr Lynita Conradie and will include the Sacrament of Holy Communion

Coffee cup largeThursday Coffee Mornings 10-12 noon. Please come along and bring your friends. Due to a
shortage of helpers, the coffee shop will be open only on the first Thursday of each month.   In November, the coffee shop will be open on Thursday 7th November.   All proceeds will be given to the Wish Centre, supporting children and young people with mental health problems.

Every Thursday Pinner Methodist Church 12.30 – 2.30 pm Soup and Natter. Further details on the noticeboard

PAC Coffee Shop is open every Friday at 10.30 am at St Luke’s Parish Centre.

Events in December

Wednesday 4 December Pinner Methodist Church 2 pm Wesley Group meeting in the foyer for a short Bible Study session concentrating on lesser known stories in the Bible. This is followed by a time to chat over tea and cake. New members will be welcome. Please speak to Lynita or Janet Dobson if you are interested or would like more information. Contact them on 8866 1743 (Lynita) or 8866 2488 (Janet).

Sunday 8 December 12.15 – 2.15 pm Pinner Methodist Church PAC Welcome Lunch. If you would like to attend, please contact Co-ordinator Romaine Mutti via E Mail on or by phone on 07770 872 330

Sunday 15 December Church Christmas Party Please see Caroline for further details Monday 16 December 11.00 am Milmans Centre Carol Singing. Please speak to Avis if you would like to take part.

Thursday 19 December 6.30-7.30 pm Carols by torchlight in Pinner High Street

Wednesday 25 December 12.30 – 3.00 pm Pinner Parish Church Christmas Day lunch. If you
know anyone who will be alone this Christmas and would like to come, please contact Catherine
N’Dungu on 020 866 4048. If you are interested in helping with the lunch, contact Joan O’Connor on
01442 834167. Drivers are needed to collect one or two people from their homes to get them to the
church hall between 12.20 and 1.00 pm, then returning them home from about 3.20 and 3.45. Most
guests live in the local area. If you can help in this respect, contact Ruth Mattison on or phone 0797 121 5099.

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